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Home / Michael Dennin

Michael Dennin

Vice Provost of Teaching and Learning; Dean of Undergraduate Education; Professor of Physics

Prof. Dennin is leading the evolution of teaching and learning on the college campus, and he is a top communicator of all issues of physics.

Areas of Expertise

  • Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Undergraduate Education
  • Physics
  • Biophysics
  • Science of super heros


Professor Dennin earned his A. B. from Princeton University, and his M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He held a postdoctoral position at UCLA. He is an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow and a Research Corporation Cottrell Scholar.

Professor Dennin's main research interest is systems that exhibit emergent properties. These include the behavior of complex fluids, such as foam and sand, as well as the complex dynamics of biological systems.

Professor Dennin is well-known for popularizing science for the public. He has taught many online courses on the nature of science, including team teaching a MOOC based on the television program, The Walking Dead. He has appeared on a number of television programs, including Spider-man Tech, Batman Tech, Star Wars Tech, and Ancient Aliens.


Watch on YouTube: Why Success Doesn't Always Equal Straight A's | Michael Dennin | TEDxUCIrvineWatch on YouTube: Fireside Chat on Teaching and Learning ft. Michael Dennin and Ryan Foland - UC IrvineWatch on YouTube: Interview With Renowned Physicist Professor Michael Dennin


University of California, Santa Barbara

PhD, Physics, 1995

Princeton University

AB, Physics, 1988


  • UCI Senate Distinguished mid-Career Award for Service
  • UCI Award for Instructional Technology
  • UCI Extension UCI Irvine Faculty Award
  • UCI Academice Senate Distinguished Faculty Award for Teaching
  • UCI Teaching Excellence Award, School of Physical Sciences


  • American Physics Society
  • American Association of Teachers
  • American Association for Advancement of Science
